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Mood Boards

Mood boards show your concept or initial research at a glance...

Gen Z Mood Boards

My first attempt at a mood board, I was really unhappy with this. I felt it looked amateurish and just badly constructed. Placement didn't work, the feathered edges just looked weird and spacing was erratic. 

Before taking another ran at it with the same research imagery, I had a browse for some inspiration. I found little on Google and Pinterest that wasn't twee and bland. I took to Dribbble for something more edgy but well designed.

This second pass was much more acceptable. I'm really glad that I didn't settle. I feel that I much improved the aethetic, to be more in keeping with the subject matter and the legibility of the information as a visual communication.

I went on to use this style throughout the whole set of mood boards for the project, each time developing and enhancing each time, adding flourishes and details.

Gen z Mood Board_original.jpg
Gen z Mood Board.jpg

Mapping the World Mood Boards

Approaching mood boards for a second time, I have come at it slightly differently, I have placed everything collected so far, digitally onto a board. I then started to organise into categories on new pages. This has been much more a process for arranging my thoughts than an expressive communication. 

I am however only part way into this exercise so am hoping the boards with develop as I 

progress through the project. 

This format functions the role of a digital sketch book. I am able to compile, rearrange and evolve ideas quickly and easily. 

On these latest boards, I'm not happy with the background and layout yet, and I still have more annotation to add to them. It's still in brain dump phase. The evolution has yet to occur!

Map Mood Board.jpg
Map Mood Board2.jpg
Map Mood Board5.jpg

Kate Robinson Graphic Design Portfolio

© 2023 by Kate Robinson Graphic Design Portfolio.

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