Project Blog
Fanatic Interim Feedback: From Ian and Sam
Doesn’t need to have Italian heritage, possibly Italian feel but not essential
Menu next to hamburger - confusing
Not ‘Book’ - book a table now… give clear instructions in tone of voice>
- to much going on with font.
- Timeout F looks kung fu - incongruous
- Font doesn’t need to have Italian heritage
- Draw!!! Paper and illustrator - create and deconstruct fonts
- The line flames work - strip back to 2 or 3 and use varied width line tool
- Doesn’t like capitals for logo
Piatto Verde
- Garish but playful
- Bold colour palatte - well done on showing denominations
- push logo further but then pull back
- play with the Kocha clean font ( Cap E at end and less underlined letters
- Amovand illustrator logo working well - liked the stacking
- Doesn’t need strapline

Paul Jackson - Figma Workshop
Preparatory research: Websites I like and why?
- Bright/ colourful
- Friction free navigation
- smooth navigation
- language choice quick - no searching required
- cascade out side menu
- simple and beautiful animations when transitioning
- no lag
- shows you everything you need to know clearly
- restaurant logo over images is challenging to see on many
- menu is not the food menu
- Scroll feature clunky in parts
- search bar on the home page - big and clear
- easy view search return
- filter options clear
- smooth feedback
- hover function
- friction free to download
- clear instructions and choices
- no pop ups
- return after download a little confusing
- style difficult to filter on